[A&HCI] Jaewook Lee, Mohamed Boubekri, Jiyoung Park (2022). Daylight, Human Health, and Design for Sustainable Green Buildings: A Systematic Review, Journal of Green Building, 17(4), 151-178.
[KCI] 홍승완, 박지영 (2020). BIM 기반의 인간행동 시뮬레이션이 건축설계교육에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구 -무장애와 안전 및 피난설계의 성능탐구와 평가를 중심으로. Journal of KIBIM, 10(4), 1-10.
[KCI] Seung Wan Hong, Jiyoung Park (2020). Effectiveness of BIM-based Human Behavior Simulation on Architectural Design Education-Focused on Exploration and Evaluation of Barrier-Free and Fire Evacuation Performances. Journal of KIBIM, 10(4), 1-10.
[KCI] 박지영 (2020). 알바로 시자 건축의 형태구성에 대한 연구 - 초·중기 작품을 중심으로, 한국문화공간건축학회 논문집, 72, 59-68.
[KCI] Jiyoung Park (2020). A Study on the Architectural Form Composition of Alvaro Siza, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, 72, 59-68.
[A&HCI] Seung Wan Hong, Jiyoung Park, Minjung Cho (2019). Virtual vs. Actual Body: Applicability of Anthropomorphic Avatars to Enhance Exploratory Creativity in Architectural Design Education. Architectural Science Review, 62(6), 520-527.
[SSCI, SCI-E] Jaewook Lee, Jiyoung Park (2018), Phase Change Material (PCM) Application in a Modernized Korean Traditional House (Hanok). Sustainability, 10(4), 948.
[SCI-E] Jaewook Lee, Jeongsu Park, Hyung-Jo Jung, Jiyoung Park (2017). Renewable Energy Potential by Application of a Building Integrated Photovoltaic and Wind Turbine System in Global Urban Areas, Energies, 10(12), 2158.
[SSCI, SCI-E] Sun-Young Rieh, Byung-Yun Lee, Joon-Gul Oh, Thorsten Schuetze, Santiago Porras Alvarez, Kyungsun Lee, Jiyoung Park (2017). Integration of Sustainability into Architectural Education at Accredited Korean Universities. Sustainability, 9(7), 1121.
[SSCI, SCI-E] Sehyun Tak, Soomin Woo, Jiyoung Park, Sungjin Park (2017). Effect of the Changeable Organic Semi-Transparent Solar Cell Window on Building Energy Efficiency and User Comfort. Sustainability, 9(6), 950.
[SSCI, SCI-E] Jiyoung Park, Jungwon Yoon and Kwang-Hyun Kim (2017). Critical Review of the Material Criteria of Building Sustainability Assessment Tools, Sustainability, 9(186).
[KCI] 김현대, 윤정원, 박지영, 건축자재 광고에 내재된 디자인 가치 동향에 관한 연구: 대한건축사협회 ‘건축사(建築士)’지를 중심으로 (2016). 디자인융복합연구, 15(2), 100-107.
[KCI] Hyundai Kim, Jungwon Yoon, Jiyoung Park (2016). A Study on the Design Values in Architectural Material Advertisements – with a Focus on the Architecture Magazine ‘Architect’ Published by the Korea Institute of Registered Architects, Design Convergence Study, 15(2), 100-107.
[SSCI, SCI-E] Santiago Porras Álvarez, Kyungsun Lee, Jiyoung Park, Sun-Young Rieh (2016). A Comparative Study on Sustainability in Architectural Education in Asia—With a Focus on Professional Degree Curricula, Sustainability, 8(3), 290. (ISSN 2071-1050, Impact Factor from JCR: 0.942)
[SSCI, SCI-E] Jungwon Yoon, Jiyoung Park (2015). Comparative Analysis of Material Criteria in Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools and Urban Design Guidelines: Cases of the UK, the US, Japan, and Korea, Sustainability, 7(11), 14450-14487.
(ISSN 2071-1050, Impact Factor from JCR: 1.077)
[SCI-E] Jeongsu Park, Hyung-Jo Jung, Seung-Woo Lee, Jiyoung Park (2015). A New Building-Integrated Wind Turbine System Utilizing the Building Skin, Energies, 8(10), 11846-11870.
(ISSN 1996-1073, Impact Factor from JCR: 1.602)
[SCI-E] Jaewook Lee, Jiyoung Park, Hyung-Jo Jung (2014). A Feasibility Study on a Building’s Window System based on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Energy and Buildings, 81, 38-47.
(ISSN 0378-7788, Impact Factor from JCR: 2.679)
[A&HCI, SCI-E] Olivia Hyunjung Yoo, Jiyoung Park (2013). The Elevator-Integrated Delivery System for High-Rise Residential Buildings, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 12(1), 149-156. (ISSN 1347-2852, Impact Factor from JCR: 0.086)
[SCI-E] Jae-Wook Lee, Hyung-Jo Jung, Jiyoung Park, Jung-Woong Lee, Yoonjin Yoon (2013). Optimization of Building Window System in Asian Regions by Analyzing Solar Heat Gain and Daylighting Elements, Renewable Energy, 50, 522-531.
(ISSN 0960-1481, Impact Factor from JCR: 2.978)
[KCI] 박지영, 조성익 (2012). 차세대 친환경 건축 인증제 개발을 위한 구성요소 및 특성 연구-LBC(Living Building Challenge)의 사례를 중심으로, 19권 3호, 한국생활환경학회지, 19(3), 391-411.
[KCI] Ji-young Park, Sung-ik Cho (2012). The Analysis of the Components and Characteristics of New Generation Green Building Certification Focused on LBC(Living Building Challenge), Journal of Korean Society of Living Environment System, 19(3), 391-411.
[KCI] 조성익, 박지영 (2012). 단독주택지 지구단위계획지침에 대한 거주자 만족도 연구, 대한건축학회 논문집(계획계), 28(5),115-123.
[KCI] Sung-ik Cho, Ji-young Park (2012). A Study on the Residents’ Satisfactions on Urban Design Guideline - Centered on the Single-family House Area in Sungnam Pangyo New Town, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, 28(5),115-123.
[SCI-E] Sanghoon Yoon, Sehyun Tak, Jinsoo Kim, Yongseok Jun, Kisuk Kang, Jiyoung Park (2011). Application Of Transparent Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells To Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems, Building and Environment, 46(10),1899-1904.
(ISSN 0360-1323, Impact Factor from JCR: 2.430)
[KCI] 이재욱, 박지영 (2011). 신한옥 부재요소 성능지표 설정을 통한 난방 에너지 평가, 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집(KIAEBS), 5(2), 75-81.
[KCI] Jae-Wook Lee, Ji-Young Park (2011). Evaluation of Heating Energy by Setting Standards for Material Performance Property in Newly Proposed Korean Traditional House, Journal of Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building System, 5(2), 75-81.